Thank you for participating in the
2024 Ventura University Series.
We look forward to next year with registration beginning in early February
and Opening Night on March 6, 2025.
Click on Track or Instructors to filter your selections
Announcements and Updates
- Liturgy of the Hours (LS-04) on March 18 will be presented by Vicki McCargar, not Maureen Pratt.
- Between Sundays: Living a Sabbath Life (SP-02) on March 25 has been moved to St. Peter Claver Parish.
Latest Announcements
Feb. 28 - The Mar. 21 presentation, "Catholics and Jews: Common Roots, Current Practices" (CH-10 at Padre Serra) has a new presenter. Fr. Dave Heney will be joined by Rabbi Barry Diamond of Temple Adat Elohim in Thousand Oaks. You can read his bio here:
A modern Christian pilgrim in Greece and Turkey, walking through the ruins of ancient cities, would receive a vivid sense of what life was like for Christians during the early centuries of the Church. Take a tour of parts of this world accented by videos, photos and personal anecdotes, and with reference to the New Testament, Church councils, and early Christian thinkers.
Section Date Time Venue BI-01 Monday, February 19 7:00-8:30 PM St. Bernardine of Siena St. Bernardine of Siena
24410 Calvert St.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367View MapRegistration Closed
Is the “Feast of the Incarnation” on December 25, or already on March 25? Why is the Incarnation (Jesus becoming human) so important in Catholic Church theology? And what are the implications of the Incarnation for our lives? This course will help us gain a deeper understanding of why Jesus, the divine Son of God, came to earth and lived a fully human life, so we might share in his divine life.
Section Date Time Venue BI-02 Wednesday, February 21 7:00-8:30 PM St. Mary Magdalen Church St. Mary Magdalen Church
25 Las Posas Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93010View MapRegistration Closed
Catholics often feel defensive and uninformed when talking about the Bible. In this workshop, we will investigate how the Bible came to be, how to choose a Bible translation, why Protestant Bibles have 7 fewer books, and how to interpret the Bible within Catholic tradition.
Section Date Time Venue BI-03 Friday, February 23 12:15-1:45PM St. Mary Magdalen Church St. Mary Magdalen Church
25 Las Posas Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93010View MapRegistration Closed
The closer we get to Jesus, the more richly we appreciate his complexity, and the deeper our relationship with him becomes. Our great task as Christians is to encounter Jesus and become his disciples. Let’s dive into the New Testament’s portrayal of Jesus’ divinity and humanity to help us draw ever closer to “God with us” and the human Lord who would accompany us through life. Bring your Bibles.
Section Date Time Venue BI-04 Monday, February 26 7:00-8:30 PM Padre Serra Padre Serra
5205 Upland Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93012View MapRegistration Closed
There is no such thing as a bad question where faith is concerned. If it matters to you, it deserves answering. Fr. Patrick, a noted Scripture professor and pastor, will respond to all your questions, written anonymously at the beginning of the evening, to help you come to a deeper understanding of the beautiful faith we share as Catholics.
Section Date Time Venue BI-05 Monday, March 04 7:00-8:30 PM Padre Serra Padre Serra
5205 Upland Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93012View MapRegistration Closed
The Catechism makes the bold claims that Christ’s resurrection was a “real event” that has been “historically verified”. Amid rising atheism and fewer people following religion, young people often feel Christianity is based on myths or legends, and the wishful thinking of Christians. How is belief in the resurrection of Jesus historically verified, and different from belief in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy? If the Resurrection didn’t happen, then, as St. Paul says, our faith is “empty” and “we are the most pitiable people of all.” In this talk, we will explore the evidence for believing in the fact of Christ’s resurrection.
Section Date Time Venue BI-06 Thursday, March 07 7:00-8:30 PM St. Maximilian Kolbe St. Maximilian Kolbe
5801 Kanan Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91362View MapRegistration Closed
Why is the Middle East such a mess? What were the crusades all about? How do they figure into Middle East politics with Hamas and Iran today? What role did St. Francis play centuries ago and Pope Francis today? The Middle East remains a puzzle to many. Fr. Dave has led 19 archaeological pilgrimages to the Middle East and will share how ancient events cause modern problems …and promises…with plenty of time for questions
Section Date Time Venue CE-01 Thursday, February 15 7:00-8:30 PM St. Maximilian Kolbe St. Maximilian Kolbe
5801 Kanan Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91362View MapRegistration Closed
After four years, John Allen returns to The University Series. Come listen to the world’s foremost Vatican reporter and learn his thoughts on the Pope Francis era to date, including the fallout from his first Synod of Bishops on Synodality, and his latest appointments as cardinals, and then project forward in terms of what might come next.
Section Date Time Venue CE-02 Tuesday, February 20 7:00-8:30 PM Padre Serra Padre Serra
5205 Upland Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93012View MapRegistration Closed
The question of restoring women to the diaconate is a living conversation and active discernment in the Catholic Church today. In response to requests from religious women working at the frontiers of the church on every continent, and Church leaders in the Pan-Amazonian region, Pope Francis has established two different commissions to study this question. Let’s discuss the history of the Deaconate and women, where the process is now, and learn what we know about the only named female deacon in Scripture: St. Phoebe.
Section Date Time Venue CE-03 Monday, February 26 7:00-8:30 PM Holy Cross Holy Cross
13955 Peach Hill Rd.
Moorpark, CA 93021View MapRegistration Closed
In August 2023, Pope Francis reportedly criticized Catholics who “look backward”, longing for the church of yesteryear. He reminded them that Catholic doctrine “progresses, expands, and consolidates with time and becomes firmer.” To bolster his point, he quoted the fifth-century theologian Vincent of Lérins, who said that doctrine is what the church teaches “everywhere, always, and by all.” Pope Francis’ words reflect the theology of tradition. How can Catholics believe that doctrine both remains the same and progresses?
Section Date Time Venue CE-04 Thursday, February 29 7:00-8:30 PM St. Maximilian Kolbe St. Maximilian Kolbe
5801 Kanan Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91362View MapRegistration Closed
Did you know that Jews have sacred literature beyond the Hebrew Bible? Did you know that Jews mean something completely different than Christians when we speak of the Messiah, sin, redemption, salvation, repentance and forgiveness? Come and question, learn and explore with Rabbi Mike, author of “A Christian’s Guide to Judaism” published by the Paulist Press.
Section Date Time Venue CE-05 Wednesday, March 06 7:00-8:30 PM St. Jude the Apostle St. Jude the Apostle
32032 Lindero Canyon Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91361View MapRegistration Closed
For those who are curious about the spirituality of pilgrimage, as well as the practical experience and preparation for walking pilgrimages to Santiago and Rome, this evening is for you. Fr. Patrick will share pictures, stories, reflections and practical advice from the twelve weeks he has spent walking from Porto, Portugal, to Santiago, from Hendaye, France, to Santiago, and from Sarzana, Italy, to Rome. If you’ve thought about making such a pilgrimage, this evening is for you.
Section Date Time Venue CE-06 Monday, March 11 7:00-8:30 PM Padre Serra Padre Serra
5205 Upland Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93012View MapRegistration Closed
The Synod on Synodality has completed its first of two sessions. Is this something new that the Church and Papacy has started? What is the purpose and history of a Synod? This presentation will look at the many ways that Church leadership has addressed theological debates, controversies, and challenges in its long history. Through a brief review of how the Church has met the needs of every generation, this presentation will look at the process of leading the Church since Vatican II.
Section Date Time Venue CE-07 Thursday, March 14 7:00-8:30 PM Sacred Heart Sacred Heart
10801 Henderson Rd.
Ventura, CA 93004View MapRegistration Closed
The death and sainthood of St. Maximilian Kolbe, can be seen through personal experience at the Auschwitz death camp. The session explores the history of Auschwitz and the imprisonment of Kolbe. It also explores the story of Marian Kolodziej, a Polish Catholic Auschwitz survivor, who was in the same roll call as St. Maximilian, and developed a deep spiritual connection to the Saint, that sustained him in the camp and throughout his life.
Section Date Time Venue CH-01 Monday, February 19 7:00-8:30 PM St. Maximilian Kolbe St. Maximilian Kolbe
5801 Kanan Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91362View MapRegistration Closed
The creation of this traveling exhibit was commissioned by the Task Force on Racism, aiming to ignite discussions on the universal nature of our Holy Catholic Church. Designed to showcase the diversity within our Communion of Saints, the exhibit features life-sized portraits and stories of Saints from various parts of the world. We invite you to immerse yourself in this unique experience. Each session begins with a brief presentation, after which you are encouraged to explore the 24 captivating narratives and portraits at your own pace. This presentation is free to all.
Section Date Time Venue CH-02 Wednesday, February 21 7:00-8:30 PM St. Jude the Apostle St. Jude the Apostle
32032 Lindero Canyon Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91361View MapRegistration Closed
The creation of this traveling exhibit was commissioned by the Task Force on Racism, aiming to ignite discussions on the universal nature of our Holy Catholic Church. Designed to showcase the diversity within our Communion of Saints, the exhibit features life-sized portraits and stories of Saints from various parts of the world. We invite you to immerse yourself in this unique experience. Each session begins with a brief presentation, after which you are encouraged to explore the 24 captivating narratives and portraits at your own pace. This presentation is free to all.
Section Date Time Venue CH-03 Thursday, February 22 11:30-1:30 PM St. Jude the Apostle St. Jude the Apostle
32032 Lindero Canyon Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91361View MapRegistration Closed
Our over 2000-year history has seen amazing, extraordinary, and fascinating people doing spectacular things. Fr. Shea has a captivating storytelling style to make all these events and people come alive. Come and hear the continuation to last year’s presentations of some of the lesser well-known but true facts and figures in our remarkable Church history.
Section Date Time Venue CH-04 Tuesday, February 27 7:00-8:30 PM St. Rose of Lima St. Rose of Lima
1305 Royal Ave.
Simi Valley, CA 93065View MapRegistration Closed
Fr. Shea continues his presentation on some of the fascinating facts, figures, moments and movements in the history of the Catholic Church. Even if you missed Part 1, join Fr. Shea tonight as he shares with us more of those incredible moments, events and people.
Section Date Time Venue CH-05 Tuesday, March 05 7:00-8:30 PM St. Rose of Lima St. Rose of Lima
1305 Royal Ave.
Simi Valley, CA 93065View MapRegistration Closed
What does it mean for us to participate in the Paschal Mystery? What is the Paschal Mystery itself? To answer these questions, we will look at the Gospels and consider how Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was prepared for and drawn into the mystery of her Son’s death and resurrection. More importantly, we will see why it is necessary for us to enter the Paschal Mystery with her.
Section Date Time Venue CH-06 Tuesday, February 27 7:00-8:30 PM St. Jude the Apostle St. Jude the Apostle
32032 Lindero Canyon Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91361View MapRegistration Closed
The Church venerates the Blessed Virgin Mary because she is the Mother of God. At the same time, she is worthy of imitation because she is the first and perfect disciple of her Son. Come learn from Mary how to walk more closely with Jesus and how to experience her maternal care on the journey.
Section Date Time Venue CH-07 Wednesday, February 28 7:00-8:30 PM Our Lady of Grace Our Lady of Grace
5011 White Oak Ave.
Encino, CA 91316View MapRegistration Closed
Let’s explore the roots of our Eucharist in the desire for a Messiah, the manna, the Bread of Presence, and the Wedding Feast of the Lamb and enrich our own experience of Eucharist at every Mass.
Section Date Time Venue CH-08 Monday, March 11 7:00-8:30 PM St. Peter Claver St. Peter Claver
2380 Stow St.
Simi Valley, CA 93063View MapRegistration Closed
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, also known as Sacrosanctum Concilium, was a pivotal document brought forth by the Second Vatican Council in 1963. This historic document made significant changes in the way we worship: emphasizing active participation, the use of vernacular languages, and the promotion of the role of the laity in liturgical celebrations. 60 years after the creation of this groundbreaking document, its impact continues to be felt across the global Catholic community. We will look at the implementation (and the lack of) the reforms outlined in Sacrosanctum Concilium, and where are we heading.
Section Date Time Venue CH-09 Monday, March 11 7:00-8:30 PM St. Bernardine of Siena St. Bernardine of Siena
24410 Calvert St.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367View MapRegistration Closed
Fr. Dave Heney and Rabbi Barry Diamond explore the similarities and differences in beliefs, traditions, and practices of these two ancient faiths. This is not a debate, but a clear and concise comparison of the main issues and traditions of both faiths. After each topic, we will open the floor to questions or comments.
Section Date Time Venue CH-10 Thursday, March 21 7:00-8:30 PM Padre Serra Padre Serra
5205 Upland Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93012View MapRegistration Closed
Is “Accompaniment” becoming just another church buzzword? What does it mean? How do we do it? We’ll unpack how Jesus provides a model for us to, faithfully and fruitfully, evangelize by walking with others.
Section Date Time Venue EV-01 Wednesday, February 21 7:00-8:30 PM St. Paschal Baylon St. Paschal Baylon
,View MapRegistration Closed
The Greek word “Eucharist” literally means “Thanksgiving,” but also refers to the Church’s liturgical action (the Mass), as well as the consecrated bread and wine (“Eucharistic species”) that we receive in Communion and worship in Adoration. To become more fully “Eucharistic” as individuals and as a community, we need not only to recognize the “real presence” of Christ in the consecrated host, but also to live lives of thanksgiving and solidarity in community.
Section Date Time Venue EV-02 Thursday, February 22 7:00-8:30 PM St. Maximilian Kolbe St. Maximilian Kolbe
5801 Kanan Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91362View MapRegistration Closed
This talk will look at how we can go beyond just dialogue with people from other religions into a deep heart felt relationship. It will welcome anecdotal experiences from the audience and seek to understand how paradox and transcendence can be the heart line from Christianity into the beyond.
Section Date Time Venue EV-03 Thursday, February 29 7:00-8:30 PM Sacred Heart Sacred Heart
10801 Henderson Rd.
Ventura, CA 93004View MapRegistration Closed
While there are some points of overlap (pro-justice, walking with the suffering), when woke is understood more deeply, we can discover whether the woke movement is compatible with our faith …or deeply opposed to it. To understand how, we must look at the central tenets of wokeism, how it captures people, and its effect on individuals, families, and communities. How we can be a people of mission more than politics, will inform how we navigate this issue.
Section Date Time Venue EV-04 Thursday, February 29 7:00-8:30 PM Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the Assumption
3175 Telegraph Rd.
Ventura, CA 93003View MapRegistration Closed
Jesus commands His followers evangelize. But how are we to do this? How does one evangelize a modern world that has largely rejected the Christian faith? This talk provides practical tips on how to personally grow in faith and to gain the courage to share that faith.
Section Date Time Venue EV-05 Tuesday, March 05 7:00-8:30 PM St. Mel St. Mel
20870 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91364View MapRegistration Closed
In a world where religion is increasingly seen as irrelevant, how does the Church approach those who find themselves attracted to the Gospel? This talk will explore three historical approaches to teaching faith and discuss a possible new way as an answer to this question.
Section Date Time Venue EV-06 Tuesday, March 05 7:00-8:30 PM Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the Assumption
3175 Telegraph Rd.
Ventura, CA 93003View MapRegistration Closed
How are Catholics being led by the Holy Spirit beyond what appears to be possible by human reasoning alone? Catholic Tradition recognizes the Seven Gifts and Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit that further enrich your moral life. This talk provides easy steps for understanding and living the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, which move us in prayer and worship to love God and love people even more.
Section Date Time Venue EV-07 Thursday, March 07 7:00-8:30 PM Sacred Heart Sacred Heart
10801 Henderson Rd.
Ventura, CA 93004View MapRegistration Closed
The mission of Jesus is an interplay of words and deeds, including many signs and wonders. We extend his mission not only by proclaiming the Gospel in words, but also by unleashing the Gospel through healing and liberation. Come explore how we can do signs and wonders in the name of Jesus and open hearts to his message.
Section Date Time Venue EV-08 Wednesday, March 13 7:00-8:30 PM St. Paschal Baylon St. Paschal Baylon
155 E. Janss Rd.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360View MapRegistration Closed
This candlelight concert features a selection of pieces curated to deepen the Lenten experience. The classical program presented completely in Latin features the works of Palestrina, Brahms, and Victoria, coupled with inspiring contemporary sacred compositions. The ethereal sounds of Seraphour combined with the historic setting of the Mission Basilica San Buenaventura is sure to inspire your Lenten journey and the conclusion of the 2024 University Series. Free will offering will be taken.
Section Date Time Venue FM-01 Friday, March 22 7:00-8:30 PM Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Mission Basilica San Buenaventura
248 Poli St.
Ventura, CA 93001View MapRegistration Closed
Some people think that belief in evolution and the first chapters in Genesis on creation are incompatible. Is this true? In this lecture, we will explore the real meaning of Genesis and show it is perfectly compatible with science.
Section Date Time Venue FS-01 Thursday, March 07 7:00-8:30 PM Our Lady of Grace Our Lady of Grace
5011 White Oak Ave.
Encino, CA 91316View MapRegistration Closed
Explore the dazzling diversity and profound underlying unity of our universe. Learn what science has discovered about the amazing way humanity fits into the grand cosmic scheme. Physicist Dr. Piccioni provides clear, concise, and compelling ideas. Find out how science and faith are compatible.
Section Date Time Venue FS-02 Tuesday, March 12 7:00-8:30 PM St. Mel St. Mel
20870 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91364View MapRegistration Closed
What is the most surprising discovery about the origin of religion just dug up? Has the tomb of Jesus been confirmed? What do recent digs reveal about the childhood of Jesus? What do recent discoveries reveal about the surprising role of women in the ancient world? Archaeology applies the scientific method to our faith, and this talk will reveal the latest and often surprising discoveries that change our Catholic faith today.
Section Date Time Venue FS-03 Monday, March 18 7:00-8:30 PM St. Rose of Lima St. Rose of Lima
1305 Royal Ave.
Simi Valley, CA 93065View MapRegistration Closed
Our universe began with a burst of light that eventually became life. . .and all of us here on planet earth. How did this happen, and what were the remarkable circumstances that made life happen at all? Was this sequence by chance or was some design going on, as physicist Stephen Hawking once proposed. This session describes the basic science of our universe and the probabilities of the sequence of events that have led to the life that we all have today
Section Date Time Venue FS-04 Tuesday, March 19 7:00-8:30 PM Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the Assumption
3175 Telegraph Rd.
Ventura, CA 93003View MapRegistration Closed
The gift of Eucharist is foreshadowed through miracles in the Old Testament: Passover in the Old Testament is fulfilled in Jesus as the Lamb of God, the framework for Mass is established in the desert tabernacle, the miraculous “Bread of the Presence” becomes an everlasting offering made to God. We will compare those foundations to Eucharist in the New Testament, and discuss science behind some past and present Eucharistic miracles.
Section Date Time Venue LS-01 Friday, February 16 12:15-1:45PM St. Mary Magdalen Church St. Mary Magdalen Church
25 Las Posas Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93010View MapRegistration Closed
St. Augustine once observed about communion: “Behold what you are, become what you receive.” In this time of Eucharistic Renewal, we are asked to grow more deeply in our understanding of this central mystery of our Catholic experience. How is Jesus present to us in the Eucharistic species? How do we express this in our receiving and living this great mystery? As members of Christ’s Body, how are we sharing in this sacrificial offering? How do we fully say “Amen” with the fullness of our intellect and will? This talk will use the prayers, images, and instructions of Holy Mass to discover more deeply our relationship with Christ in the Eucharist.
Section Date Time Venue LS-02 Tuesday, February 27 7:00-8:30 PM Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the Assumption
3175 Telegraph Rd.
Ventura, CA 93003View MapRegistration Closed
Baseball players make the Sign of the Cross before stepping up to the plate, and basketball players cross themselves at the free throw line. Even Sarah Sherman’s TV rabbi in the comedy “You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah,” crosses herself. Popular culture views the sign of the cross as a request for divine assistance. But it is more accurate to view it as an expression of our faith. It is the faith that the death of every human being belongs to God’s reality, because God has chosen the human reality to be God’s very own.
Section Date Time Venue LS-03 Tuesday, March 12 7:00-8:30 PM St. Jude the Apostle St. Jude the Apostle
32032 Lindero Canyon Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91361View MapRegistration Closed
Come join Sister Val unpack the richness of the Spiritual Works of Mercy that have been an important part of the Christian Tradition throughout history. The Spiritual Works of Mercy are vital to encountering the love of God and the foundation of compassionate service to others.
Section Date Time Venue LS-04 Thursday, March 14 7:00-8:30 PM Holy Cross Holy Cross
13955 Peach Hill Rd.
Moorpark, CA 93021View MapRegistration Closed
U.S. Bishops seek to revive Catholic belief in the Eucharist. Two separate sessions seek to answer two key questions: What did Jesus actually mean when he said, “Eat my body and drink my blood” and “How is bread and wine changed to become Christ, truly and substantially present?” Come to one or both!
Section Date Time Venue LS-05 Friday, March 01 12:15-1:45PM Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Mission Basilica San Buenaventura
248 Poli St.
Ventura, CA 93001View MapRegistration Closed
Fr. Skip continues his discussion of the two questions: What did Jesus actually mean when he said, “Eat my body and drink my blood” and “How is bread and wine changed to become Christ, truly and substantially present?”
Section Date Time Venue LS-06 Wednesday, March 20 7:00-8:30 PM St. Mary Magdalen Church St. Mary Magdalen Church
25 Las Posas Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93010View MapRegistration Closed
Join Fr. Steve as he dives into Bishop Robert Barron’s book “This is My Body” to understand why the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. Through personal and Biblical stories, Fr. Steve will share how the Eucharist is the sacred intimate meal God desires for each of us from the beginning of time. This meal is a meal of friendship and sacrifice and always an opportunity for us to accept and embrace a personal relationship with Christ. Rediscover how Jesus, through the Eucharist, is real food for your soul.
Section Date Time Venue LS-07 Tuesday, March 19 7:00-8:30 PM St. Peter Claver St. Peter Claver
2380 Stow St.
Simi Valley, CA 93063View MapRegistration Closed
Come learn the 5-Step Strategy Catholic professionals use to beat burnout, overcome exhaustion, and re-energize their minds and body to achieve their God-given potential.
Section Date Time Venue ME-01 Tuesday, February 20 7:00-8:30 PM St. Mel St. Mel
20870 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91364View MapRegistration Closed
In light of recent wars in places like Ukraine and Israel, we are invited once again to reflect on the Church’s stances on pacifism and just war. In this presentation, we will explore the main points of the USCCB’s document “The Challenge of Peace: God’s Promise and our Response” to see how the Church thinks through the difficult topics of peace and justice.
Section Date Time Venue ME-02 Wednesday, February 28 7:00-8:30 PM Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Mission Basilica San Buenaventura
248 Poli St.
Ventura, CA 93001View MapRegistration Closed
How can I incorporate my Catholic faith into every aspect of life? How can I integrate my spiritual values into my professional career? How can I become a leader that supports the mission of the Church, influences our culture, and serves the common good? Come and discover a plan that you can use the next day.
Section Date Time Venue ME-03 Wednesday, February 28 7:00-8:30 PM St. Paschal Baylon St. Paschal Baylon
155 E. Janss Rd.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360View MapRegistration Closed
When people find out that I am a moral theologian, they usually respond in one of two ways: they either get uncomfortable and feel judged or they get weirdly excited about hearing my take on some obscure, far-fetched moral dilemma. Both reactions indicate a huge misunderstanding of what moral theology is all about. I can’t blame them, because I used to think the same way. In this talk, I will share my own shift in thinking about the Catholic Church’s moral teaching and why I decided to dedicate my life to sharing it with others.
Section Date Time Venue ME-04 Tuesday, March 12 7:00-8:30 PM Padre Serra Padre Serra
5205 Upland Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93012View MapRegistration Closed
Ask any question about any moral issue today. Immigration, sexuality, gender, war and peace. All questions welcome. This will be just like a theological press conference!
Section Date Time Venue ME-05 Wednesday, March 20 7:00-8:30 PM St. Jude the Apostle St. Jude the Apostle
32032 Lindero Canyon Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91361View MapRegistration Closed
Come learn why living a Catholic life is your best chance at finding mental and emotional stability and true happiness, even if you are not a professed Catholic follower. As the primary therapist for a prominent detox and outpatient facility in Malibu, Bill faced people from all walks of life, suffering from addiction, and often, unimaginable trauma. His work in recovery and with many couples and families led him to realize that true help can best be found in a Catholic approach to wellness.
Section Date Time Venue ME-06 Thursday, March 21 7:00-8:30 PM St. Bernardine of Siena St. Bernardine of Siena
24410 Calvert St.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367View MapRegistration Closed
Catholic social teaching is much more than just Catholic politics. It is supposed to inform and inspire the laity in whatever they are doing: raising families, working, living in the community. In this talk, we’ll apply Catholic social teaching everywhere the laity are living out the Gospel.
Section Date Time Venue ME-07 Friday, March 22 12:15-1:45PM Holy Cross Holy Cross
13955 Peach Hill Rd.
Moorpark, CA 93021View MapRegistration Closed
Want to strengthen and enliven your marriage? Learn how to keep love in your marriage, understand your differences, communicate more effectively, deal with inevitable hurts, and build each other up. You will come away with new perspectives and skills as well as recommendations for additional learning resources in this fast-paced and highly informative presentation.
Section Date Time Venue MF-01 Wednesday, February 21 7:00-8:30 PM Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Mission Basilica San Buenaventura
248 Poli St.
Ventura, CA 93001View MapRegistration Closed
Members of the Archdiocese’s official ministry with LGBTQ+ Catholics, Catholic Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons, will share their personal journeys of faith, what led them to this ministry, and their experiences with LGBTQ+ Catholic friends and family members. Stressing the Catechism’s call to treat all people with respect, compassion, and sensitivity, they will explore perspectives on Pope Francis’ insistent calls for a ministry of encounter and the importance of synodal dialogue.
Section Date Time Venue MF-02 Monday, March 04 7:00-8:30 PM St. Peter Claver St. Peter Claver
2380 Stow St.
Simi Valley, CA 93063View MapRegistration Closed
The promise we make to God at our children’s baptism has no age limit. Dcn. Don and his adult daughter, Becky Cooper, will look at the challenge of keeping this promise even when our children are adults, and ways we can effectively keep this promise.
Section Date Time Venue MF-03 Wednesday, March 06 7:00-8:30 PM St. Paschal Baylon St. Paschal Baylon
155 E. Janss Rd.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360View MapRegistration Closed
Numerous surveys indicate a departure from the Catholic Church by one-in-ten American adults raised in the faith. Many practicing Catholics are familiar with someone in this situation, sparking concerns that may strain relationships and cause anxiety about salvation, especially for younger generations. This session aims to explore constructive ways to comprehend and respond when loved ones disengage from their Catholic faith, explore other traditions, or simply drift away. It emphasizes trusting that God is actively present in their lives during this period.
Section Date Time Venue MF-04 Friday, March 15 12:15-1:45PM Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Mission Basilica San Buenaventura
248 Poli St.
Ventura, CA 93001View MapRegistration Closed
Universities are often a hotbed of ideologies that conflict with our Catholic faith. Moreover, temptations abound. How do you prepare your loved one so that their faith thrives while at college? Or, how do you share the faith with them if they left the Church? Come learn practical steps to provide your son, daughter, or grandchildren the best shot at staying and growing in the faith.
Section Date Time Venue MF-05 Tuesday, March 19 7:00-8:30 PM St. Mel St. Mel
20870 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91364View MapRegistration Closed
How can our homes become places where our faith is lived with joy and compassion? Together, we will focus on growing in our own beliefs and sharing them with our loved ones. We’ll discuss daily prayer, journeying with the saints, living the liturgical calendar, serving others humbly, and embracing the Eucharist.
Section Date Time Venue MF-06 Friday, March 22 12:15-1:45PM St. Mary Magdalen Church St. Mary Magdalen Church
25 Las Posas Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93010View MapRegistration Closed
In our fast-paced world, an unhurried life may seem unfamiliar, but this session challenges the idea that busyness is virtuous. For if we have chaotic emotional lives, it is harder for us to grow in virtue with God’s grace. Let’s explore fostering an unhurried lifestyle for spiritual and emotional healing through exposure to the true, the good, and the beautiful from a Catholic perspective. This discussion, combined with musical reflections by Michael, aims to connect attendees with the healing potential of beauty in the arts for human flourishing.
Section Date Time Venue SP-01 Thursday, February 22 7:00-8:30 PM Our Lady of Grace Our Lady of Grace
5011 White Oak Ave.
Encino, CA 91316View MapRegistration Closed
Grace always abounds, even during the most difficult times. How is this possible? Like the air we breathe, God’s life encompasses, enfolds and permeates. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the violence and human suffering we globally witness. Our wounded world is in great need of healing and transformation. What can one person do in the face of so much misery? We can become alive!
Section Date Time Venue SP-02 Friday, February 23 12:15-1:45PM Padre Serra Padre Serra
5205 Upland Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93012View MapRegistration Closed
How do we understand our experiences with anxiety, depression and suffering through the lens of faith? How do we live life to the fullest as Jesus calls us to in the face of daily stress and past wounds? Join us as we dive into understanding how God wants to heal our struggles of mental health as beloved sons and daughters.
Section Date Time Venue SP-03 Monday, February 26 7:00-8:30 PM St. Bernardine of Siena St. Bernardine of Siena
24410 Calvert St.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367View MapRegistration Closed
Lourdes is above all a place of prayer and healing; every year millions of pilgrims seek cures through the miraculous waters of the Grotto, yet St. Bernadette herself was never cured of tuberculosis. Come and be spiritually renewed by the story of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette.
Section Date Time Venue SP-04 Wednesday, February 28 7:00-8:30 PM Holy Cross Holy Cross
13955 Peach Hill Rd.
Moorpark, CA 93021View MapRegistration Closed
Although we know God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, sometimes we forget about the Holy Spirit. And although we know that we are mortal, we sometimes forget about that, too. There is a connection between these two “forgotten” ideas. We will explore that connection.
Section Date Time Venue SP-05 Friday, March 01 12:15-1:45PM St. Peter Claver St. Peter Claver
2380 Stow St.
Simi Valley, CA 93063View MapRegistration Closed
The wisdom contained in the Prayer of St. Francis lies in its teachings of peace, love, forgiveness, understanding, compassion, and surrender. It serves as a reminder of the values and attitudes that can bring harmony, healing, and a sense of purpose to our lives and the world around us. Studying the prayer of St. Francis, let’s explore the spiritual and psychological wisdom in this prayer, as we try to live deeper and more meaningful lives of faith and service.
Section Date Time Venue SP-06 Monday, March 04 7:00-8:30 PM St. Bernardine of Siena St. Bernardine of Siena
24410 Calvert St.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367View MapRegistration Closed
Come explore the history, symbolism, and hidden treasures of the labyrinth and their significance to the Lenten season. We will walk the three stages of the labyrinth: purification, illumination, and unification while meditating on the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Our Lord. Joe Vasquez, Native American flutist, will accompany the labyrinth walk meditation, with special attention given to the Seven Last Words of Christ. Using the labyrinth in one’s daily prayer life throughout the year will also be discussed.
Section Date Time Venue SP-07 Friday, March 08 12:15-1:45PM Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Mission Basilica San Buenaventura
248 Poli St.
Ventura, CA 93001View MapRegistration Closed
Scientists are increasingly discovering the vast benefits of meditation for our minds and bodies. We’ll look at—and practice—meditation from a Christian perspective, primarily through the writings of the ancient mystics to the more recent Thomas Merton and others.
Section Date Time Venue SP-08 Friday, March 08 12:15-1:45PM St. Peter Claver St. Peter Claver
2380 Stow St.
Simi Valley, CA 93063View MapRegistration Closed
Christ clearly states that you must pick up your cross and follow him. You may think this defies human nature. Who wants to deny themselves and embrace the cross? Yet, spiritually and psychologically, this is your greatest strength. Let’s explore what it means to pick up your cross, why you may be avoiding it, and why you must embrace it.
Section Date Time Venue SP-09 Monday, March 11 7:00-8:30 PM Holy Cross Holy Cross
13955 Peach Hill Rd.
Moorpark, CA 93021View MapRegistration Closed
Jesus’ cures were miraculous, yet he did not cure everyone. Why? This presentation will reflect on the human experience of pain through the prism of scripture, the Church’s long tradition of nurturing healing (coming closer to God), and the process of prayerfully finding grace and good, even with ongoing suffering.
Section Date Time Venue SP-10 Friday, March 08 12:15-1:45PM Holy Cross Holy Cross
13955 Peach Hill Rd.
Moorpark, CA 93021View MapRegistration Closed
Christian Theology studies sin extensively and the relationship of sinners with a merciful God. Sin is not a victimless act. When we sin, we sin against someone. What does my sin become in the life of the person I sin against? The Korean culture names that effect of sin in the sinned-against as “Han”. This session will discuss Han and its role in the healing of and liberation from sin.
Section Date Time Venue SP-11 Thursday, March 14 7:00-8:30 PM Our Lady of Grace Our Lady of Grace
5011 White Oak Ave.
Encino, CA 91316View MapRegistration Closed
Gratitude might be the ultimate spiritual practice. In our divided and challenging world, it’s sometimes difficult to see where gratitude fits. Find out how our Catholic faith is linked to expressing gratitude through scripture and simple daily spiritual practices.
Section Date Time Venue SP-12 Friday, March 15 12:15-1:45PM St. Mary Magdalen Church St. Mary Magdalen Church
25 Las Posas Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93010View MapRegistration Closed
Is pain just a physical problem? Do mental and spiritual forms of pain also exist? Drawing on medical and spiritual wisdom, this talk will help us expand our notion of pain and offer therapeutic suggestions to effectively help those who are suffering from both physical and spiritual forms of pain and anguish.
Section Date Time Venue SP-13 Monday, March 18 7:00-8:30 PM Padre Serra Padre Serra
5205 Upland Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93012View MapRegistration Closed
Las universidades son a menudo un foco de ideologías que entran en conflicto con la fe católica. Además, abundan las tentaciones. ¿Cómo prepara a su ser querido para que su fe prospere mientras está en la universidad? O, ¿Cómo comparte la fe con ellos si abandonaron la Iglesia? Venga a esta charla para aprender pasos prácticos para brindarle a su hijo, hija o nietos la mejor oportunidad de crecer en la fe.
Section Date Time Venue HS-01 Monday, February 19 7:00-8:30 PM St. Rose of Lima St. Rose of Lima
1305 Royal Ave.
Simi Valley, CA 93065View MapRegistration Closed
Las universidades son a menudo un foco de ideologías que entran en conflicto con la fe católica. Además, abundan las tentaciones. ¿Cómo prepara a su ser querido para que su fe prospere mientras está en la universidad? O, ¿Cómo comparte la fe con ellos si abandonaron la Iglesia? Venga a esta charla para aprender pasos prácticos para brindarle a su hijo, hija o nietos la mejor oportunidad de crecer en la fe. (Repetir)
Section Date Time Venue HS-02 Tuesday, February 27 7:00-8:30 PM St. Mary Magdalen Church St. Mary Magdalen Church
25 Las Posas Rd.
Camarillo, CA 93010View MapRegistration Closed
La Teología Cristiana estudia ampliamente la noción de pecado y la relación de los pecadores con un Dios misericordioso. El pecado no es un acto sin víctimas. Cuando pecamos, pecamos contra alguien. ¿En qué se convierte mi pecado en la vida de aquellos contra quienes peco? La cultura coreana nombra ese efecto del pecado en los contra los que se pecó como “Han”. Esta sesión nos presentará a Han y su papel en la curación y liberación del pecado.
Section Date Time Venue HS-03 Thursday, February 22 7:00-8:30 PM Sacred Heart Sacred Heart
10801 Henderson Rd.
Ventura, CA 93004View MapRegistration Closed
La iglesia tiene la misión de evangelizar. La misa de quinceañera supone un desafío, pero muchas parroquias cierran la puerta o modifican el modelo tradicional. ¿Darían una piedra a su hijo cuando pide pan? Este taller es para ministros de formación de fe, ministros hispanos y sacerdotes interesados en evangelizar. Exploraremos la historia de la quinceañera, recomendando talleres y celebraciones de misa en la comunidad que busca pan.
Section Date Time Venue HS-04 Tuesday, March 05 7:00-8:30 PM St. Peter Claver St. Peter Claver
2380 Stow St.
Simi Valley, CA 93063View MapRegistration Closed
Este taller te enseñará cuatro pasos para prepararte a la sanación interior, oración ante el santísimo, y oración de intercesión por otros. Se presentará algunos fundamentos de la espiritualidad, la neurociencia, y la física cuántica, para entender lo que la fe y la ciencia dicen sobre esto y cómo podemos crecer en entendimiento y práctica.
Section Date Time Venue HS-05 Thursday, March 07 7:00-8:30 PM Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the Assumption
3175 Telegraph Rd.
Ventura, CA 93003View MapRegistration Closed
Miembros del ministerio oficial con católicos LGBTQ+ de la Arquidiócesis de los Angeles compartirán sus jornadas de fe, lo que los llevó a este ministerio y sus experiencias con amigos y familiares católicos LGBTQ+. Haciendo hincapié en el llamado del Catecismo a tratar a todas las personas con respeto, compasión y sensibilidad, ofrecerán perspectivas sobre los insistentes llamados del Papa Francisco a un ministerio de encuentro y la importancia del diálogo sinodal.
Section Date Time Venue HS-06 Wednesday, March 13 7:00-8:30 PM Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Mission Basilica San Buenaventura
248 Poli St.
Ventura, CA 93001View MapRegistration Closed
La Constitución sobre la Sagrada Liturgia, también conocida como Sacrosanctum Concilium, fue un documento fundamental promulgado por el Concilio Vaticano Segundo en 1963. Este documento histórico provocó cambios significativos en la forma en que damos culto a Dios: enfatizando la participación activa, el uso de lenguas vernáculas y la promoción del papel de los laicos en las celebraciones litúrgicas. Sesenta años después de la promulgación de este documento innovador, su impacto continúa sintiéndose en toda la comunidad católica mundial. Examinaremos la implementación (y la falta de) las reformas descritas en Sacrosanctum Concilium y hacia dónde nos dirigimos.
Section Date Time Venue HS-07 Wednesday, March 20 7:00-8:30 PM St. Paschal Baylon St. Paschal Baylon
155 E. Janss Rd.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360View MapRegistration Closed
Newly Added! The University Series welcomes a Lenten concert offered by perennial favorite Lynn Rd. With their distinctive harmonic blend and thoughtful lyrical content, they inspire spiritual contemplation during this season of Lent. Lynn Rd. is Jana Bellan, Jody Bruno, Georgina Cabrero, and Kevin Stoller. The concert is free. Instead, a free-will offering will be taken.
Section Date Time Venue FM-02 Sunday, March 10 2:30-3:30 PM St. Paschal Baylon St. Paschal Baylon
155 E. Janss Rd.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360View MapRegistration Closed
Diácono Melicio Zamora
fue ordenado diácono para la arquidiócesis de Los Angeles en julio de 2011 y ejerce su ministerio en la parroquia de St. Peter Claver en Simi Valley. Ha participado en el concilio diaconal de
la arquidiócesis durante casi diez años, incluso como presidente. Posee certificación para administración parroquial otorgada por LMU. Actualmente, ocupa el cargo de director de admisiones y escrutinios para el programa de Formación Diaconal en La Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles, y se siente bendecido generosamente por tener la oportunidad de trabajar con un equipo de primera calidad.