Welcome to The University Series 2025. I encourage you to take advantage of this adult education in our faith.
We face many misleading views of our faith. Too often religion is blamed for being anti-science, and some claim that religion foments violence. Learn the truth. The University Series offers a variety of sessions that help us learn more about our faith so that we can better live our life and can evangelize others.
Pre-register to show up at the parish door. We welcome everyone.

Bishop Robert Barron
Chairman of the Board

There is so much going on in our world today, as there has been actually in every age. We believe Our Lord can address every modern issue in a way that will bring you lasting happiness. Our courses are designed to do just that by connecting our faith with real life, as they have done over the 24-year history of The University Series. Decide now to deepen your understanding of our faith and find the peace that has always been Our Lord’s will for you. Decide to attend these University Series sessions. All are welcome!
God bless!

Fr. Dave Heney

When, Who & What to Expect
- The University Series runs March 6 to April 11 in person. See the "Calendar at a Glance" for the complete schedule.
- The University Series offers seminars connecting faith with real life in areas such as bible studies, current events, church history, evangelization, faith and science, liturgy and sacraments, marriage and family, spirituality, and young adult topics. All sessions are non-accredited and presented for the purpose of spiritual and personal growth.
- University faculty have extensive knowledge in their fields. They love to teach and connect faith with real life. Sessions include presentations, multi-media, and time for your questions at the end of each session. You do not need to worry about quizzes or tests. Just ask your own questions!
Registration & Tuition
- SEASON PASS OPTION Season Pass $85 (only available for purchase through midnight, Monday, March 3). The Season Pass allows access to ALL sessions. Simply print your Season Pass from your emailed receipt or show it on your phone in order to attend sessions. Once again, you can bring a friend for free.
- SINGLE SESSION OPTION Discounted price of $10.00 per class (only available for purchase until midnight, Monday, March 3). Simply print your receipt ahead of time, or show it on your phone at the door. Once again, you can bring a friend for free.
- OR Pay full cash price of $15 per class at the door. Once again, you can bring a friend for free.
- Use your credit card @ All credit cards are accepted on-line.
- This program is presented by University Series Foundation, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Tax donation statements will be found at the bottom of your emailed receipt, following your on-line registration. All net proceeds go toward future educational programs. Additional donations can be made through the "Donate" button at the top of this page.
- Refund/Cancellation Policy - There will be no refunds processed this year. Instead, we thank you for your donation to The University Series for further development of The Series.
- Check here for any updates or changes during the Series.
- Questions? Email any time, or call 805-496-0222 Ext. 119 during regular business hours.